Wednesday, February 13, 2013

"Standing By"

"Standing By," written by David Sedaris tells of a frustrated airplane passenger's experiences while waiting for planes. He starts out by explaining his delay in an airport and the frustrations it can cause a passenger. He then moves on to giving a little insight into the "codes" used by flight attendants while helping passengers. This leads him to his experience in the Denver airport in a line waiting to get a new flight. He meets a grandmother whom is criticizing a group of young teenagers. There were two boys and a girl. The girl was holding a baby and the two boys looked like brothers. The grandmother believed that the baby belonged to the girl and the one brother who was wearing an explicit T-shirt. Sedaris eventually ignored her as he found that he didn't agree with her politically. Have a few moments, two guys behind him started complaining about the hassles they were going through and then eventually politics. The discussion on politics lead Sedaris to ignore them. He started daydreaming about the time he was jogging through an airport and thought he heard Adolf Hitler's name called over the P.A. system. This lead him to realize that airports possibly bring the worst out of people.

Sedaris, David. "Standing By." First Year Comp. Reader. Boston. Pearson, 2011. 275-277. Print

1 comment:

  1. Your summary certainly is thorough. However, maybe that isn't a good thing for a reader. I wonder if a reader would find this too overwhelming--there are a lot of details to keep straight without having read the essay.

    Maybe shorten it a bit--summarize the people he discusses. How could you group them in a way that would help your reader understand Sedaris' purpose?
